Gingivitis is a degenerative condition that if left unattended, cantrigger significant tooth and gum deterioration. Simply the word gingivitis can strike panic in a patient’s mind. The truth is that the treatment is simple and done right in our office.

Plaque and tarter that sits on the teeth provides an environment, which permits germs to grow and increase. The bacteria cause the gums to end up being irritated and bleed. The condition becomes more visible when you brush your teeth or sometimes when you eat. These are indicators of the early phase of gingivitis. Gingivitis is easily treated by having the hygienist scale and polish the teeth. If gingivitis is left unattended, the condition can advance and the roots will need a planing. The difference between scaling and root planing is basic. Scaling is the removal of the dental tartar from the tooth surface Root planing is the procedure of smoothing the root surface areas and eliminating the contaminated tooth structure. This deep scaling and root planing is typically broken down into one section of the mouth per consultation. This enables for appropriate recovery time, and reduces the time for each consultation.

Soft tissue management is a non-surgical treatment, where scaling and planing is done with or without anesthesia.